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Articles - CTF
- PWN and RE on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- PWN and RE on Parrot Security 5.0
- Exploit Development (PWN) Resources
- CTF - Linux Binary Exploitation
- Pwn for Fun and Profit – caprinux
- Nightmare - Pwn
- CTF 的三十道陰影 – ddaa
- pwntools Cheatsheet – anvbis
- Anvbis website - CTF writeups
- PWN Cheatsheet – hackmd.io
- PWN Cheatsheet – Team Eur3kA
- PWN methodology — LINUX – Karol Mazurel
- PWN Tips && Tricks — LINUX – Karol Mazurel
- CTF Wiki
- lzeroyuee’s blog
- Tutorials for getting started with Pwntools – Gallopsled
- A colleciton of CTF write-ups all using pwntools – Gallopsled
- A Course on Intermediate Level Linux Exploitation – nnamon
- Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
- x64 Linux Binary Exploitation Training – srini0x00
- Pwn 知识点清单
- Ret2dl_resolve x64: Exploiting Dynamic Linking Procedure In x64 ELF Binaries
CTF - PWN (Stack Buffer Overflow)
- Linux Binary Exploitation – rosehgal
- Introduction to x64 Linux Binary Exploitation (Part 1)
- Introduction to x64 Linux Binary Exploitation (Part 2)—return into libc
- Introduction to x64 Linux Binary Exploitation (Part 3)- RoP Chains
- Introduction to x64 Linux Binary Exploitation (Part 4)- Stack Canaries
- Introduction to x64 Linux Binary Exploitation (Part 5)- ASLR
CTF - PWN (Format String)
- Format String Vulnerability – qazbnm456
- Format String CTF Writeup - Curve (PBjar CTF ‘21)
- Leaking Values with printf (Format String Vuln) - Search Engine - [Intigriti 1337UP LIVE CTF 2022] – CryptoCat
- Introduction to format string exploits
CTF - PWN (Heap - Glibc < 2.31)
- BINARY EXPLOITATION:Memory corruption
- Linux Heap Exploitation
- Heap tricks never get old - Insomni’hack teaser 2022 - glibc 2.23
- Linux Heap Exploitation Intro Series: Riding free on the heap – Double free attacks!
- pwn with glibc heap(堆利用手册)
- 不同libc版本下UAF的利用手法总结
CTF - PWN (Heap - Glibc >= 2.31)
- A repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques
- PWN学习笔记 – L3H_CoLin
- Ubuntu 20.04 Heap Exploitation
- Heap Exploit 2.31
- Hookless - glibc 2.34 – CTFTime
- Educational Heap Exploitation 2.0 (how2heap glibc 2.31)
- PWN10: Heap exploitation for GlibC 2.32
- Overview of GLIBC heap exploitation techniques
- Heap Exploit v2.31 - 最新堆利用技巧,速速查收
- Heap Exploit 2.31 Source Code
- House of Muney - Leakless Heap Exploitation Technique
- 不同libc版本下UAF的利用手法总结
CTF - PWN (Glibc >= 2.35)
- Glibc 2.35 arrives with improvements, bug fixes and more
- The GNU C Library version 2.35 is now available
- Glibc 2.36 Major New Features
CTF - PWN (Kernel)
- Kernel pwn 基础教程之 Heap Overflow – Freebuf
- Kernel pwn CTF 入门 - 1
- Kernel pwn CTF 入门 - 2
- Kernel pwn CTF 入门 - 3
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