
CyberSecurity Ninjas 网络空间安全忍者

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Taro 芋头 - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System 防御入侵系统 (Server)


Networks and computers that are opened to the public facing hacker attacks from all over the world every day. Once we are compromised, we would be one of the cyber crime victims. Our tasty Taro is a high performance and ultra-low latency Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS). Unlike well known and famous brands for large business enterprises in the market, Taro is available free of charge that everyone can afford. It is ideal for home, Small Office Home Office (SOHO) and Small Medium Business (SMB).

Not a Network Security Monitoring (NSM) or Information Security (InfoSec) expert? No problem! Our Taro really is the “Plug, Play and Forget” system of your dreams. Don’t be the next cyber crime victims, try Taro now!

Taro is designed by a hacker to defend against hackers. He knows what hackers are doing and thinking, regardless of whether they are ethical or malicious.







Taro is an Open Source Project which is released under GPLv3 License and it is developed by Samiux.

Please keep in mind that Taro is available FREE OF CHARGE.

Taro is designed and developed by Samiux based on Croissants (Croissants since 2012).






1.0 Installation Guide

1.1 Download and Install

sudo -sH

cd /root

sudo apt install git net-tools

git clone

cd /root/taro

cp -R rules/ /root
cp * /root

cd /root

nano nsm.conf

chmod +x nsm_install

sudo ./nsm_install

Make sure you edit nsm.conf before running nsm_install

1.2 ChangeLog

Taro ChangeLog

2.0 User Guide

2.1 Glances

Text mode monitoring tool for the performance of Taro.


2.2 Suricata Health Check

sudo tail -f /var/log/suricata/stats.log | grep drop

Press CTRL+c to exit.

2.3 Suricata Event Log

sudo tail -f /var/log/suricata/fast.log

Press CTRL+c to exit.

2.4 Rules Management

If you want to disable some rules as they are false positive, you can edit the “disable.conf” of suricata-update.

sudo nano /etc/suricata/disable.conf

If you want to drop some traffic, you can edit the “drop.conf” of suricata-update.

sudo nano /etc/suricata/drop.conf

If you want to modify some rules, you can edit the “modify.conf” of suricata-update.

sudo nano /etc/suricata/modify.conf

After updated the configuration files, you should run the following command to make the changes effective.

sudo nsm_rules_update

2.5 Ubuntu Update

sudo update_ubuntu

2.6 Auto Configuration

Whenever you changed the nsm.conf file, you need to run the following command in order to make it effective.

sudo nano /etc/croissants/conf.d/nsm.conf

sudo /etc/croissants/conf.d/auto_config

3.0 Hall of Fame


4.0 Troubleshooting

If you cannot access internet when you are behind the Taro, Suricata may be down unexpectedly. You can check if it is running or not by the following command :

sudo ps aux | grep suricata

If it is not running, you can issue the following command to start it :

sudo systemctl restart suricata

You can check the suricata.log at /var/log/suricata/suricata.log. Please allow about 5 minutes for Suricata fully starting.

5.0 FAQ

(1) When will the rules be updated?


Between 0200 and 0600 hours every day, Taro will do the housekeeping and updating. The defending work of Taro may be interrupted during this period. Outdated logs will be deleted at 0200 hours. All blacklists will be updated at 0300 hours. Taro will be updated at 0400 hours (when necessary). All rules will be updated at 0500 hours. Ubuntu will be updated at 0600 hours (it will auto reboot when necessary).

non 24/7

Taro can be turned off and it is not required to operate 24/7. The update will be carried out within half an hour when the Taro is booting up. The Taro may be reboot itself when necessary. It is advised not to turn off the Taro between 0300 and 0600 hours as it will do the update automatically. If you do so, you may break the Taro. Meanwhile, if you turn off the Taro within half an hour of the booting up, you may also break the system too.

(2) How many detecting / blocking rules in Taro?

There are more than 40,000 rules in Taro and they are all free of charge. The number of rules are increasing.

(3) Can Taro decrypt the SSL/TLS traffic?

Taro cannot decrypt the SSL/TLS traffic well. However, it can handle a limited SSL/TLS traffic flow. Therefore, it is not ideal for using it as Web Application Firewall (WAF). For example, Taro can detect and drop self signed SSL/TLS certificate traffic and etc.

(4) How about Taro is turned off for a week or longer?

It is recommended to run the install script once again to keep the Taro up-to-date.

6.0 To-Do-List

6.1 Upgrade to Ubuntu Server / Desktop 24.04 LTS


7.0 See Also

Besides, your server or desktop is required to be hardening on SSH, Web application and other applications, etc when necessary. It is because that Taro is not a silver bullet.

8.0 Bug Fixed


9.0 Known Issues


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